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Return of the blog

I realised we'd let this lapse, but I didn't realise we hadn't posted anything since July 2020! The group has been meeting regularly. We've even had two picnics in that time.   Recently I've been wishing we'd kept a more basic record of what we'd discussed (what *was* that paper about the .. you know, the thing?). In the interests of doing that, I'm trying a new 'rule' for blog posts: 1-2 sentence summaries of the sessions. Last Thursday, we welcomed three new PhD students (two of them new to the group). One of those, Julie Kane, summarised the meeting like this:  "Today we started with a chapter about what expertise means and challenges with this in terms of lived experience experts vs 'professional' experts. It led to practical discussions about running co-design groups with new and old members and how to manage power dynamics while still giving the lived experience experts the confidence to take ownership. This was the chapte

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